Independent Clothing Company Since 2015

It’s over, Christmas I mean.

So another Christmas period is done, retailers and shoppers alike can take stock, ‘Why did I buy that’? ‘Can’t believe that didn’t sell better’. Our mission this year was to push the importance of shopping local and supporting the small businesses, the main reason for this, January. The first 3 months of the new year can be heartbreaking for many businesses, if they didn’t have the festive period they were hoping for then it can make the start of the year very difficult. The start of the new year is always hard, people aren’t shopping, most stores are in sale and the difference from how busy you were only a few short weeks ago to now is startling, it’s like night and day. So that’s it then, the next quarter is going to be terrible, or is it? Granted it’s not going to be as busy as the week before Christmas or even the best days in the summer holidays but maybe it’s an opportunity to view the business in a different way. We have never made the most of internet sales, most small shops see the internet as this horrible amazon beast that comes in the night and steals your customers. Is it maybe time that we (Winstons) embrace it? At the end of the day your website is like a second shop, another way to reach customers on a much larger national and maybe international scale. Is it going to be easy, well no, but the one thing we’ll probably have on our hands over the next few months is time. We still want people to come into our shop in York as we love to meet our customers, talk to them and explain the products but if we can just get a few more sales via the website then obviously that’s a good thing.

We also just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who shopped and supported us, not just over Christmas but over the past two and half years. We love having a shop and finding new brands and products and we hope that you all love what we do too.

Happy New Year


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